

a story about the past, the future, and the choices we make that can change both forever

ars PARADOXICA: Teaser

ars PARADOXICA is a love letter to physics, fiction, and the future. It's a disorienting journey through spacetime and the Cold War. It's a tome of secret history you stumbled across in a library in the dead of night.

It's an award-winning serial audio drama.

When an experiment in a time much like our own goes horribly awry, Dr. Sally Grissom finds herself stranded in the past and entrenched in the activities of a clandestine branch of the US government. Grissom and her team quickly learn that there's no safety net when toying with the fundamental logic of the universe.

Though time is nonlinear, our episode structure isn't. Start at the beginning.


press & accolades

featured by:


“Looking at the podcast industry as it stands today, it’s clear that the trajectory of fiction in podcasting would not have been the same without ars.” – Wil Williams, journalist & podcaster

Check out Wil’s re-listen series Let’s Go Back to ars Paradoxica & A (Written) Oral History of ars Paradoxica

  • Audio Verse Awards 2016 WINNER:

    • Best Original, Long Form, Large Cast, Ongoing, Dramatic Production

    • Best New Original, Long Form, Large Cast, Ongoing Production

    • Best Audio Engineering of an Original, Ongoing, Long-Form Production

    • Best Writing of an Original, Long Form, Large Cast, Ongoing Production

  • Audio Verse Awards 2017 WINNER:

    • Best Audio Engineering for an Ongoing, Dramatic Production