Episode 11: LOST

Episode 11: LOST

Episode 11: LOST


  • [0:48] Movies are sometimes not an hour and a half.
  • [1:44] Actually, Lost only had 42 mysteries.
  • [2:04] The Invasion, The Nine, V, and Life on Mars were all mystery shows launched in the show’s wake that occupied the post-Lost timeslot throughout its run. FlashForward and V in particular used Lost alums Dominic Monaghan (Charlie) and Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet).
  • [3:04] The Dharma Initiative–an organization backed by the Hanso Foundation–set up a series of stations across the Island to conduct various experiments. The Swan was one such station that monitored electromagnetic anomalies on the Island until [cut the rest, super boring, sorry. –M]
  • [5:17] Ben tells Michael he can escape the island with a bearing of 325 in the season 2 finale, or: North by Northwest. Metatextual!
  • [5:34] arsparadoxi.ca
  • [5:50] Don’t get rid of your land line until Christmas 2004. This is a reasonable ask.
  • [6:15] A constant is something (or someone) that a time traveler recognizes in the time periods that they visit to keep their brain from turning to mush.
  • [6:42] Daniel Faraday explains it like a skipping record, which, like, sure dude.
  • [7:12] arsparadoxi.ca
  • [7:42] Eloise Hawking, because they are not subtle about names. Desmond Hume’s middle name is David. Richard Alpert is Ram Dass's birth name.
  • [7:56] If you want to make Dan angry, tell him you thought that Inception was too complicated to understand.
  • [8:19] Mischa actually meant to say “great” TV show. [no I didn’t –M]
  • [9:33] Sometimes, it invaded other ad campaigns, most notably in Sprite’s inane Sublymonal ads.
  • [9:40] Dan LOST the plot!! Get it?
  • [10:25] Lost actually did some good work at negotiating an endpoint (six seasons, no movie) so they could actually answer some questions. The problem was that a lot of the answers were bad.
  • [12:15] And co-writes just about every episode.
  • [12:20] Westworld is also produced by Bryan Burk, who was one of the executive producers of Lost.
  • [12:22] He’s not.