Episode 14: The Legend of Zelda

Episode 14: The Legend of Zelda

Episode 14: The Legend of Zelda
The Whisperforge


  • [0:02] Your relative past.
  • [0:16] thefarmeridian.com
  • [0:52] Seriously, it’s on the tip of my tongue.
  • [0:54] If you are listening to this episode at night, substitute where appropriate. If the distinction between night and day is meaningless to you, well, them’s the breaks.
  • [1:05] It lost out to The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.
  • [1:22] Their future being in our relative past, ironically.
  • [1:25] And Philadelphia.
  • [1:40] Despite this being recorded in the immediate weeks after Breath of the Wild’s release, it is highly likely that Dan will be still be playing by the time this airs.
  • [2:08] Hold onto your hats, kids, because that list of things is just gonna keep shrinking
  • [2:19] https://youtu.be/1jct5FOG9AE (NSFW?)
  • [2:24] In direct contrast to that statement, Mischa is currently playing Shovel Knight.
  • [2:55] A Fun Fact You’re Going to Hate starring Adam Conover and John Oliver, coming to CBS this fall.
  • [3:10] Magician, not wizard. (n.b.: that’s an actual correction not a reference to the hit SyFy show or associated books)
  • [3:41] They fight over the Triforce, a Sierpinski triangle lookin’ thing that embodies power, wisdom, and courage, and Ganondorf, Zelda, and Link usually embody those traits, but mostly it's a fancy MacGuffin.
  • [3:48] Some sort of man/bear/pig thing.
  • [3:54] Don’t forget about the Europe/Japan-only release Freshly-Picked Tingle’s Rosy Rupeeland.
  • [4:08] No, but for a similar idea, check out the game Half-Minute Hero.
  • [4:02] In order: Skyward Sword, Four Swords Games/Minish Cap, Miniboss in BotW, A Link to the Past
  • [4:20] During this recording, Mischa wore a shirt that evoked both Magic: The Gathering and Super Mario Bros., so they know a lot about endlessly remaking something in weird new contexts.
  • [4:41] No correction.
  • [5:18] Yeah, jeez. Fell right on your face right there.
  • [5:45] As Is Prophecy.
  • [5:49] It’s the place where the Triforce is supposed to be, even though the real Triforce was inside you all along. 
  • [6:22] The Song of Storms, to be precise. https://youtu.be/gPE_Ws4mD0s
  • [6:27] The Spirit Temple.
  • [6:34] The wear on the temple actually isn’t the issue, it’s the size of the various Links. Dan had it confused with the time-hopping level “Effect and Cause” in Titanfall 2.
  • [7:52] Fun fact: Dan’s first Zelda was its companion title, Oracle of Ages, which also has time travel, but it’s mostly used as a light/dark world mechanic.
  • [8:34] The whole thing. Never did a single co-op session.
  • [9:19] Instead, the DS sequels to Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks each had their own Big Bad and Ganon never showed up because, uh, he super dies in Wind Waker.
  • [9:58] The Link that goes back to be a child continues on to Majora’s Mask.
  • [11:37] I’d play a Ezlo/King of Red Lions spinoff game.
  • [12:05] And then gets _immediately_ kidnapped.
  • [12:32] One hundred years.
  • [13:43] It’s just a massive departure that had more RPG elements and sidescrolling combat but it doesn’t feel good and it’s just super not fun
  • [14:55] Game Boy Advance.
  • [14:56] Fun fact: Minish Cap, alongside the Oracle games, were developed by Capcom. They’re the only officially third-party Zelda games not made by Phillips that anyone ever saw outside of Japan.
  • [18:56] Oracle, not Ocarina.
  • [19:50] OH SHIT
  • [20:13] Dan has seen timelines that try to include his appearance in Soulcalibur II.